Monday, October 23, 2006

Aunt Agony 231006

Originally posted by alba:
that in this world there r so so many of cruel, bad people. i find so, everywhere, so far i 've not seen any good kind soul. all i met is all bad ones, even in front of u they are really nice, they show they r nice, caring good ppl, but actually they r not. behind u they love to talk bad of u, gossip and so on. very sad, sometimes all these ppl irritate u and hurt u deeply.

i tried not to get affected byt his kind of ppl but still it reach adn hurt me. sometimes, they love just to make up story of u, or they just love it if u do mistakes esp at working place, they love if u r forgetful, wrong or they just love to find yr mistakes and tell the whole world abt it. even if u did it once, they keep on repeating it all their life. i am not that kind of ppl, i always tried to hide ppl mistakes, and cover up for them, and never find it is so a nice thing to tell other ppl or make a show of it. soemtimes in life there is no body or nothing u can trust on, even the ppl u like or trust also can play u back and make u look like a fool, so who to trust in this world. everywhere i go i find ppl just love to find my mistakes, or talk behind, gossiping even i never bother abt them, they still love to do that. the worst is they make a impression (bad) of u to everybody, and makes other ppl also think badly abt u.

i really find human being very cruel, cared too much abt themselves, want to be the top & can bring ppl down just cos they r afraid they be down so they pull other ppl down first. I 've never yet to met any nice good ppl all my life, except for both my parents. that all, my husband also a good person. even though i am not a hyprocrite or bad person sometimes i am tempted to learn from all those cruel ppl. like at workplace ppl just love to find yr mistake even u did it once, they talk all their life, and make u feel or look like a fool, and antyhign good abt u they gossip it bad beind u and in front they act like an angel. is it like that means real world.?i wnat to be nice also cannot, should i show my anger face, be fierce and unapproachable next time?

From all the self help book I've read, all said be kind, always listen ot others, make other feel important, i 've tried but i failed. in the endi get the pain and hurt.

I am not selective of friends, but I am selective on who is paramount to my life.

I bitch about people that makes no meaning in my life and protect those that I see as important because I reckon even I don't bitch about people whom I have bad impression, they will bitch about me. So I will balance it up on my side. :lol: :twisted:

I always believe that if the initial and second impression fails badly, it's almost impossible to change that kind of impression people has in you. It just stuck there because the impression burns into them. Therefore, realising this part of yourself, there isn't a need to try so hard, other than just having to maintain decent working relationship. What you can do now is to focus your change towards the impression of future friends, whom you are going to meet later part of your life.

I always tell the above statement to people suffering from your kind of crisis.

You must always remember that friends and colleague are mutually exclusive. If you see someone as friends, you won't see him/her as colleague and vice versa.

Focus more onto the people important to you! I won't even waste my time concentrating on a bunch of people that makes no meaning in my life than to develop better relationship with people paramount to my personal growth.



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