Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Review of GS

Since they are going to show 绝对superstar today, might as well display the picture we took at Mediacork.. i mean mediacorp. This is the gathering of GS forces - now currently cease to exist anymore. Well, although it was a whole load of crap, but you can never imagine the friendship forge through the SHIT we went through. This is known as the GS experience... horrible piece of hellhole we all went through, only to discover what this matrix is all about.

I called it a tale of love, hatred, betrayal, deception, lies, loyal, truth and justice.

It was an exhilarating experience; with me standing firm to pick up the destruction cause by the 斯凯文 - a great evil glooming over our depressing state of life. Lives by itself is already a sad state, with his introduction, which I thought would worsen our current state... only served to build us stronger, with everlasting bonds.

Ironically, the four of us represented the second generation of slaves fighting for a lost cause, while John represented NP's arms of Song Composing. We are there, supporting Mr Derrick or more commonly and affectionately known as Wei Jian when he was up on stage, fighting for a place to the next round of 绝对superstar.

Finally, I have this wonderful blog to pen down all the suppressed emotions I had with GS. Mr 斯凯文 probably never realise this: the amount of negativity passed down through his action, behaviour and psychological mindset has made SO many good people under him, questioning about their own innate ability, confidence and character. I can never think of another person, who is as highly skilled as him, employing the art of emotional blackmail, self pity and deception - he is like the apex of evil... the Lord of the Lies.

To create a false imaginary fantasy about himself, hoping to gain recognition and awe from 'students' whom have very little experience with the outside world; effectively, he have conjured and created his own world... his own realm where he put himself at the pedestal of honour and fame, thinking that he could probably own the world and inject reality into this non-existence world of his.

All his so called 'plans, strategy and stuff' are nothing but coins into the wishing well - it never come true. He is so typical MLM spoke person - full of hot-air coming out his lips, without substances... promises that were never meant to be fulfilled... and thousands of excuse to shield himself from all the mistakes he had made. Imagine all the SHIT he had painted on people... I had to remove his doing and restore people back to where they came from... imagine all the tears that came falling and I had to lend a shoulder and wipe them off... imagine all the rubbish he said... I have to rebuilt the negativity he has placed on others to create positivity in them once again.

He once said he was the 清洁工人.... I think I am the REAL 清洁工人。

Below is the photo we took when we went over to Victoria Concert Hall to support Craig. This is the residue left - a group of close knitted friends. Once again, from here, you could also see that the shit he gave, merely strengthen all of us. (And if 斯凯文 ever see this... PLEASE... please... don't think that you did a saint-like good deed and try to console yourself that it was a good job after all the deception you have given everyone. I can sense it in my bone that you will probably think this way... duh! What's new?)

I always tell Douglas that IF GS was what it seemed to be, we will be rocking the music scene by now. 24 绝对superstars... we have about 4 that have their fate brush across GS. DUH! Go figure.
Somehow I feel so apologetic over people whom came into GS; people like Pammy (now happily in Aussie) and Ivy, who probably had their worst working experience... ever (direct quote from Ivy). And 斯凯文 still owns Ivy couple of hundreds... sigh... how the hell am I suppose to help her to recover the sum? See? None of my business... but somehow, I am implicated. I presume it is my Scorpio Mars in 11th house.

There is no way I could fully pen down everything that has took place in GS, that completely disgusted me in plain comtempt. (Like shown in the pic above) Now that 斯凯文 has gone back to his old love, the destruction he has cause through his wild path has come to a weird ending cum conclusion. People shrugged thinking about it, but I stand tall firmly - reinforced my CloUdiSm belief which he tried so hard to null it's existence.

His distorted views on friendship and love is truely crap and it's amazing that he wanted to impact some of these 'corrupted mindsets' into me. I may not be exactly, chronologically, fringin` old, but my thoughts were beyond that of my peers. I am afterall, the 姐妹 yunhaier with 4 years of Aunt Agony experience. Duh. *Bat an eyelid*

I admit I was shaken and even question myself, casting doubts all over CloUdiSm. I realise that there was only one voice I could heed... for this voice never will never lie to me. It is our own voice... the voice from within.

Anyway, most escape his clutches. Now, we only have his monetary debts to settle AND probably the karmic relationship he is having with taurean Mich. How will God help her this time? Will the power of her Church save her from the clutches of Evil? Or will the evil 斯凯文 succeed in his attempt to bring her away from God's words?

P.S: Douglas didn't steal you arse-wart. Mind you, part of the loot was my phone as well. For him to steal my stuff is almost unthinkable. Duh. There is such a thing known as mutual trust and all my good friends will never resort such level to ruin a relationship with me. At least this is the untold/unwritten rules of a friendship - which you never had. Of course! YOU made used of everyone that came into your life, what love and friendship can you speak of?



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