Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Quiet Days

Probably it is the dawn of Virgo; there isn't much extreme Agony around to share and upload into this blog of mine.

Quiet days I called it; especially after a series of blasting problems, then, usually there will be a moment of calmness after. Maybe it is the beginning of a new school term for University... people are just getting into their new phrase of life, moving on from past experience and embracing the new stuff that is to come. The guys probably just finished two odd years of Army... with complete freedom into this new lease of life, unlike the 'caged' regimental lifestyle previously.

Quiet days like these... are these days really quiet without agony?... Like the moon vanished from the sky in a moonless night?

Are we truely happy? Portraying a expression of what is felt exactly within... to the world?

In a quiet night... is the night truely spared from the still quietness?


Mousy mouse is so happy.

Can we be like the mouse? Especially in our quiet days when our minds wanders too far into limbo?

Can we rekindle our old innocence?

Quiet days... so quiet... so cynical... so bitter... so beautiful...



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