Thursday, November 03, 2005

Aunt Agony 031105

Originally posted by ^mR.yellow^86:
[b]some say people who attached to one guy/girl only even if you can't have him/her are touching, sad, but some say it's stupid. What about you guys' and gals' point of view? let's hear from you guys and gals. guys and gals might have the different opinion about it.

Originally posted by DrTech:

He's talking about people who can't let go... continually liking/loving the other party even though they know they can't have him/her...

It can be a good or bad thing...

How can it be a good thing when you resist the idea of moving on? To resist the notion of moving on is to resist growth.

There is one bitter truth about people waiting: there is simply nothing to look forward, so they wait. Most people, who claim to wait for someone, often practice this what I call 'looking for the horse while riding the donkey'. If Love had you SO 'devoted'... so deep till you are 'left with no choice' but to wait... you will probably spent the rest of your life waiting this for meaningless someone and missed out opportunity on other potential partners. The TRUE form of waiting; is just to wait placidly until something happen. But the fact is that ultimately, these people moved on, with time, because they discovered it was impossible from the start.

You THINK he/she is the one for you... do you think you are the ONE for him/her?

Don't kid yourself - to wait for someone has NOTHING to do with loyalty and since it has nothing to do with it, what is so touching about people waiting aimlessly? Loyalty and devotion only applies to people who are IN A RELATIONSHIP... for anything else, it is foolishness and unacceptance.

I used to have people who swore to wait by me... for their own emotional agenda. I knew it was baseless and told them please don't make such comments, but they insisted in their own emotional ways. I laugh... not thinking that they are stupid, but rather, intrigued by how Love works.

These people are currently in their own relationship, revelling in bliss happiness. And obviously, I am happy for them to be able to exercise those loyalty in their current relationship instead of someone like me.

If you see devotion as a good characteristic, shouldn't you spent those precious quality on someone that is WORTH your devotion and not cover them up with a white lie by claiming that you are simply waiting and equates that to devotion.

These self-gratifying thoughts are merely tools to remain you in waiting list.



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