Saturday, November 12, 2005

Aunt Agony 121105

Originally posted by numby:
they like cannot get over them when break-up when the guy is has been toying wif the girls feelings...some girls r willing to do anything to get the guy back to her side...

Love can never be smooth sailing.

Bad guys are pawns of karma USED to further Love's cosmic lessons.

I believe the existence of 'bad' guys (and woman) is paramount. If Love was perfect - we will never, in our lifetime, discover the true meaning of Love. Sure, we all know that Spring is awesome... but have you seen Spring's ugly nature? Or the beautiful side of Winter? Without bad guys, how do we know the 'goodness' of nice guys?

There are reasons why certain people intrude into our lives. We, acting as a security guard deployed at the main gate - deciding who and who is allowed to enter. We form a relationship with those we chose from freewill - nobody force a knife upon our throat to accept those BGR.

In the end, we only have ourselves to be blame... the decision we made.



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