Thursday, March 15, 2007

Aunt Agony II 150307

Originally posted by James1:
juz ended my half a yr relationship with my gf about a week ago and find it hard to accept the fact that she want to be a faithful christian to her church, want more time to do what she want and also she think i need to be more mature enough.
The day when she decided to break up, I was totally devastated and was demoralized, she told me in front of my face and was shocked till my face almost turned pale, sorry if I was a little "Kua Zhang" is because i want to let you guys understand how I feel, I begging her minute by minute, hour by hour to take me back but she refused. We had lots of quarrel as we hardly give in to one another and as the time goes by, she said, "quarrelling something allow us to understand each other better." so I think it's all right to quarrel so I carried on for months till now.
As I know the moment when I beg her, she felt honor being pleased, I think it's common for all human being.
A few days after the broke up, I was thinking of returning back the stuff which she bought for me such as t-shirt, bags and etc. Do you think it's childish to do that? Because I think it can erase off the pain she gave me....

I think Christianity is merely a red herring; incompatibility is the real stuff.

Quarrels are good only if it's constructive arguments and that there must always be 'cushions' to prevent acrid aftermath and bitterness.

Argue for the sake of arguments very often drains the energy of relationship rapidly.

Hope you do learn something out from this ordeal.



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