Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Officially Employed
Thank God!
This time, I gonna aim to be a private banker in the future.
*Look far and wink*
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Evermeet, Island of Elves
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Aunt Agony II 200307
He knows, he found out about a week ago. I wish we could be more than friends but the thing is...I have a boyfriend who loves me very much and he's in love with another girl who doesn't love him. I know i have to faithful to my boyfriend which is not hard at the moment since the guy i'm in love with doesn't love me, but i'm afraid that in the future when he gets over his current love things will be more complicated. We had a chance to become a couple long time ago but he let it slip away. Now i keep thinking what could have been. I try to support my boyfriend and give him as much love as he's given me over the past couple of years but my heart's not 100% in it. Every now and then i start thinking about my friend...How can i get over him?
I am afraid that logic and habitual reason/s won't sustain the relationship for long.
Yes indeed, it's logical to try to coerce yourself to love someone - albeit you don't really love - you called as boyfriend. But seriously, how long do you plan to maintain your relationship in this kind of logical equation that makes absolute sense, but doesn't add value emotionally?
Before I talk about your best friend, let's examine your current relationship.
(i) You spoke about the differences between you and your boyfriend, but do you perceived it as considerable incompatibility?
(ii) And if the answer is yes, then why, despite the incompatibility, do you even allow yourself to be in a relationship with him?
(iii) You mentioned 'years', what appears to be the real reason for sticking with him, if love wasn't the motivation behind the 'seeming harmonious' relationship?
(iv) You mentioned that there was a 'chance' your best friend might be with you instead; was this incident BEFORE or AFTER your current boyfriend made his appearance?
(v) I would like to know details of your relationship; how long you knew your bf before coming together? How did it happened? How long is the relationship? His personality? Your views on him? On this relationship? Your age?
Aunt Agony 200307
Its a pity my first post has to be like this.. Recently I tried to jio my ex back..we had been together for 2 yrs but we separated 'temporarily' a few months ago because she was really busy working and studying part time and couldnt commit to the relationship.. i understand that.. and it didnt really affect me badly at that time.
But yesterday she told me over the phone to forget about her coz she claims that we have different thinking and she wants somebody who is more 'mature'. I nv felt so heart-broken in my life.. the working environment must have warped her adolescent mindset..
Its so painful to see someone u love deeply dump u while she seeks better opportunites elsewhere. I look back on all the good times we've had and realising that we'll never experience those again hurts me deeply. We had such a strong relationship.. everytime we had problems we will not let it linger. I seriously cant believe that all of it has to end like this because she changed..
I know i have to move on but i do not know how long it will take for me to recover. Yesterday i just dreamt of her.. Emptiness consume me everytime wen im alone and i cant help but cry utterly when my mind wanders off to an image of her face. Knowing the fact that she wants someone better has also led me to think that i am inferior. She was my only confidant.. and now that she is gone i dunno what to do.. Im so confuse.. i do not wish to harp on this anymore.. Sobs* :(
I see this as a transition - the working world did not warped her mindset; more likely, it served as a catalysis to instil courage for her to leave the relationship. Likely, she already had thoughts of leaving the relationship - though reasoning is around, courage to translate reasoning into action is missing.
Having to spent some time, without your presence, cleared her doubts and gave her the courage to act.
If you desire to constrain a woman inside a 'closed environment', so that you can preserve that 'adolescent mindset' forever, strangely, is that even love in the first? The minute your girlfriend tasted freedom outside, she fled faster than you could say 'please don't go.'
Chances are, she stayed on because of reasons OTHER than Love.
The minute any man and woman abolish freedom and liberty in their relationship, it becomes an effect of insecurity - not love. And this usually have various degree of adverse effect, depending on how intense the implementation is.
You are so affected because she is your ONLY confidant. This over dependency on your mate will likely to affect the process of your relationship and also slow the recovery of your emotional injuries inflicted.
Real love is when he/she have other choices and still choose you... and NOT because he/she have no other choice except you.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Aunt Agony 170307
Hi everyone. This is my 1st post here. Hope someone can give me good advice on my situation.
There's this gal who I have known for around 4 yrs. During this period, there were times when I wanted to ask her be my gf but due to reasons I didnt find tell her. Recently, I found out indirectly that she has a bf for about 2 mths. Since then, I feel I have been a fool. I should have tell her I like her. But now...I don't know should I remain as close frens wif her or should I tell her I like her. Her birthday is coming close. Any advice anyone? :(
I used to walk passed this shop, totally awed by this one particular shoe. Talked about it all day and my good friend even bought the shoe in another colour. But because the price is quite steep, I decided to hold on to my purchase (even I had the money to spend. Don't know why, just decided to hold on).
When I have decided to buy, the shoe is gone forever - no more size.
Even till now, I still think fondly of that shoe.
Given the chance, if someone wanted to sell the shoe, would I buy it?
Yes (Provided it's deadstock or the condition is very good).
But meanwhile, have I stop buying shoes?
Not really. In fact after that, I have gotten three other pairs of shoes spread over a period of time.
P.S: People are always interested in things they don't have. Ironically, that doesn't mean they would not settle for something better in the future.
Aunt Agony 170307
How often does your gf didn't respond to your SMS or call?
If she always care to explain who is she with, eg go out with gal friends to shop or drink, after sometime do you feel fishy?
If one has the intention to cheat, he/she will cheat, insofar as to do whatsoever possible to keep it hidden (although with time, everything will be known eventually).
It's not about girls; in fact, it's about the personality of the person. Some people do not feel the need to report their SMS/calls when they out with a group of friends - I used to be like that. Of course if you are not pleased with such behaviour, you have to talk to her about your insecurities.
It's always possible to manage personal space and 'couple's regulation' harmoniously. But if her previous relationship was like that, it would probably take a couple of years’ worth of communication, understanding and compromising before a lasting, viable solution will be in place.
The key is to keep communicating.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Aunt Agony IV (Continued from AA III 150307)
Hey, thanks for ur reply. I always knew u'll be here giving helpful advice. I would have to admit that I dont really understand women. My concerns are if she doesnt give a sign I wont know what to do next.
For example, if she thinks there's a possibility of progression, I would know what to do such as to give ourselves more time so that we really understand each other. It's really sad to know a relationship which has potential just fizzles out because both parties dont relate to each other. I also absolutely understand the need of time to establish a bond, it would be totally pointless in rushing into a relationship and breaking it the next week.
On the other hand, if she thinks there isnt any possiblity of being more than just friends, I would glady and gallantly back off like a gentleman and we'll just remain friends.
Right now it's like quite wierd to ask her out alone cause I think that's more than just being friends and in this case is what we are not. So is this friendship just gonna fizzle out like a can of coke left in the open?
Oh by the way, the metaphor u used "Before you know it, you might have accelerated out of control and lose grip of your situation like a malfunctioning motor bike crashing into a tree." gives me creeps cause I ride a bike and it's really scary. Touch Wood!
The flawed education system here screwed up the minds of Singaporeans (especially people of this generation). Everything is programmed subtly by this system to follow the chain of command/orders and being told what to do. They cannot function without first having a direction to the next step and generally fail badly in areas outside this safe zone.
But does love work this way? Obviously no.
Love never worked in an absolute manner - it's often the grey that it residue.
How would a friendship fizzle into nothingness if there wasn't a problem in the first place? (And we are not talking about the natural degeneration of bonds through time because you only knew her for a short period of time and that isn't really applicable in your situation)
You mentioned about your perception of a 'potential relationship' - have you ever thought of the possibility that although, it may appear as a 'potential relationship' to you, but it may not be so for her?
On whether you should remain as friends or to continue the pursue; analysis your own situation and make your own choice my dear. Because to me, both are equally feasible - it's only a matter of perception and decision. If she doesn't give you the cue to the next move, you strike out and plan your next move.
Only then you will learn through your experience and benefit.
Aunt Agony III 150307
Originally posted by l0st-s0ul:
Dear Aunt Agony, Im so lost.
I have met this girl a few weeks ago. We have chatted and smsed and we get along fine. So far, we have gone out on 2 dates. However, after the dates, I find that she seems different from before, she isnt as warm as before. U must be wondering what I did or tried to do during the outing. Seriously, I did nothing extraordinary, neither was it ordinarily boring.
I dont really know what Im so attracted to her about. I wont say she's hot nor a head-turner. But to me she is nice. The worst part is, I dont know what about her is nice. Maybe it's just her.
U must be thinking that this is ridiculous, knowing a girl for only a few weeks it must be infatuation. Well, before u hit the back button of ur browers or prepare to type +1, I too sincerely hope it's just merely infatuation and nothing more.
Recently, I hinted to her if we could be more than just friends. The gist of her reply was to take things naturally, but dont rule out the possibility. And dont take it too hard if we become together or not.
I think females are the most complex species in the universe. If u had asked the question above to a male, it would be simply either yes if I like her or no if I dont like her. Asking a female, would bring about a whole lot of theories and calculations before finally coming up with an relatively ambiguous answer. I have studied cryptoanalysis and understand the algorithm behind DES, AES, MD5, SHA-1, etc. However, the answers females give are sometimes beyond mind boggling. I believe that the strongest, uncrackable algorithm would the female mind.
In my next thread, I'll talk more about the 4 letter word which women absoultely love, while the men dont.
Well, lets not get out of topic. So, Aunt Agony, does this mean it's time for me to move on?
You sure you never do anything? Or is it just that you don't know what you have done that might have causes you the marks in the impression quotient?
Taking things too fast and furious often revealed bad consequences. Before you know it, you might have accelerated out of control and lose grip of your situation like a malfunctioning motor bike crashing into a tree.
Man often lament how they don't understand woman to make an effective chase; I throw the question back at you - do you even understand yourself enough to win over your woman? Employing wrong strategies is enough to kill most chase - you don't have to break the 'woman's code' before you could succeed in the chase (although it's significantly easier).
I have always equated your kind of situation to bad selling. A good salesman doesn't always have to study the module - Consumer Behaviour - before he's certified as an excellent salesman. Selling has several different aspects, from preparation to post mortem. But eventually - what' matter most is your delivery.
Have you encounter cases where the product is excellent, but the delivery/presentation of the salesman simply turns you off and eventually no sale/s is made?
I asked the retailer before and this is what he told me.
'Aiya, one look I know they won't buy one.'
A classic excuse often used by retailer.
Are you like the retailer?
[quote] Originally posted by l0st-s0ul:
...I think females are the most complex species in the universe. If u had asked the question above to a male, it would be simply either yes if I like her or no if I dont like her. Asking a female, would bring about a whole lot of theories and calculations before finally coming up with an relatively ambiguous answer. I have studied cryptoanalysis and understand the algorithm behind DES, AES, MD5, SHA-1, etc. However, the answers females give are sometimes beyond mind boggling. I believe that the strongest, uncrackable algorithm would the female mind.
Does your failure stem from your lack of understanding about woman?
Think about it.
Aunt Agony II 150307
juz ended my half a yr relationship with my gf about a week ago and find it hard to accept the fact that she want to be a faithful christian to her church, want more time to do what she want and also she think i need to be more mature enough.
The day when she decided to break up, I was totally devastated and was demoralized, she told me in front of my face and was shocked till my face almost turned pale, sorry if I was a little "Kua Zhang" is because i want to let you guys understand how I feel, I begging her minute by minute, hour by hour to take me back but she refused. We had lots of quarrel as we hardly give in to one another and as the time goes by, she said, "quarrelling something allow us to understand each other better." so I think it's all right to quarrel so I carried on for months till now.
As I know the moment when I beg her, she felt honor being pleased, I think it's common for all human being.
A few days after the broke up, I was thinking of returning back the stuff which she bought for me such as t-shirt, bags and etc. Do you think it's childish to do that? Because I think it can erase off the pain she gave me....
I think Christianity is merely a red herring; incompatibility is the real stuff.
Quarrels are good only if it's constructive arguments and that there must always be 'cushions' to prevent acrid aftermath and bitterness.
Argue for the sake of arguments very often drains the energy of relationship rapidly.
Hope you do learn something out from this ordeal.
Aunt Agony 150307
I used to have few gfs and I chased them effortlessly. They would accept whatever I asked them whether it was meeting up or chatting on the phone without being reluctant. Things came my way easily then. However now the situation seems to have changed. Nowadays, it's not so easy anymore. It's been 3 years since my last relationship. Perhaps I am no longer young and relationships are more complicated.
Right now there's this girl I would like to chase. She seems lukewarm to my responses though. When I tried to get her number in front of the friends, she keep asking me to get it from someone we know. Yet I heard from my friend she don't mind giving me her number and was smiling afterwards. When I called her, we chatted a while and because she's not at home I told her I wouldn't to disturb her and call her later. She said don't call cos want to bath and sleep. Both of us working so don't know if she's tired?
In the past, when I get "hints" of disinterest, I would give up and not bother witht that girl anymore. I know this is wrong but I'm a person who gives up easily. So what should I do as I have no experience in perseverance?
I think the problem lies in your mindset. Previously, all is easily won. But now, the game of pursue is no longer simple. It seemed that getting the woman you want requires more than just plain chatting on the phone or dinner at classic places.
Ladies do grow up too you know.
And as they grow wiser, they are more resistant to 'tricks' employed by guys that might easily score well with less experienced ladies. Also, they are often so overly exposed to interesting tales of BGR stories from their girl friends that they learned some things from here and there. The more experienced ones are even worst; they anticipated your thoughts even before you date them out.
You craved for instant gratification... instant affection... instant answer... like instant noodles; allow me to encourage you to see the beauty of patience. There are things in life which you got to work for and these things are often worth the effort. And working towards this goal requires time and patience. Like brewing a pot of chicken soup, if you shorten the time to brew it, it probably doesn't taste as good as if you allowed all the time needed to make it an excellent pot of soup.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Aunt Agony 140307
If there’s one problem which I’ve been wrestling for the past 4-5 years, it’s this pervasive sense of loneliness and rejection.
Many times when I wake up in the morning or when I’m in the midst of doing something, my mind will be filled with this “What is wrong with me??!!” thoughts… so much so that I’ll sink into a depressive state…
My personal life has been like down in a slump for years… I’ve only a very few friends whom contact me once in a while and apart from that, absolutely no relationships, no connection it seems with anyone
My greatest problem is this increasingly strong feeling that No one is remotely interested in me --- it’s like people hardly ever contact me, from the gals I tried to date to even my current classmates… everybody is just plainly nonchalant towards me.
I’ve tried… from joining classmates for lunch after lectures, studying with them, even taking up a hobby. So now my only form of social interaction comes from “formal activities” like attending classes (and then chatting a little with my classmates in the process). Other than that, during most weekends and holiday, I’ll virtually be without any friends or relationship with anyone… it’s like not a normal nor healthy phenomenon but one that I can do little about....
I agree with Devil about the contacting them part; it never hurt trying to hook people up, date them and organise outing.
One way is to work towards a common interest; people are less likely to reject dates/outing when there is a common interest/subject. I think there's a need for you to find that core interest to pursue because from there, you will inevitable find people of similar mindset/interest and forge great friendship.
I made friends from several sources. Obviously not all of them will turn out to be great friends, but when you scatter your seeds randomly all over the place, surely, a few will develop well, albeit most might just perish.
Let me try to form a logical picture/equation in your mind:
In school, you would probably have your school clique. These are some friends.
If you go to church and is decently active in church activities, you would have your religion clique.
Then when you expand slightly more; if you are involved in dance as CCA, you would have some dance clique.
You get the idea.
The more interest you pursue, the more people you will know from those activities and the higher the chance you will find good friends. If you want to improve/retain your chance of making meaningful friends beyond that of just 'good', you also got to work on your personality so that people will find you comfortable, interesting and most importantly, natural. Then they will include you into their life/group/clique/etc.
P.S: People often want to be around people they feel comfortable with. And to make them comfortable, firstly, they got to accept/like your character first before they will be comfortable with your presence in their life.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
CDG Flagship Store
Aunt Agony 130307
Why? Why can't I just have the things I want for once in my life? Why is it always so ironic? Why is it when I want something, it always run away? Why is it so hard to find someone to love?
Why is it so hard to woo someone when it gets older? I have decided to ask her out purely as friends and she accepted the first date without any hesitation. After the first date, I find her a very nice lady but right now I have asked her out 2 times and both times got those "see how" first reply.
What have I done that have gone wrong? Why all these years my luck with girls are so bad? So many girls yet none stayed. Am I only suitable yo be good friends and not a lover? In the past, it was not like that. I had 3 gfs before and ever since the last one when I decided to settle down I could not find anyone.
I have socially active and I join many activities and talk to many girls yet the most I can go is being friends. I am not ugly nor anti-social yet sometimes I find my friendliness taken for granted. When I care too much, nothing seems to work out. But when I become a bastard, I get what I want. Why is life so ironic?
In work, I always thought I would get a job where I would meet a good boss who saw potential in me. I don't consider myself stupid but yet all I get a job was simply an average paid job with no growth potential. Yet some of my peers who are academically lousier than me get a higher paid job than me. And worst of all I get a boss that is a joker and a job environment that emphasise on papers.
All I want is a simple and happy life but why am I getting the opposite? Is it really so difficult to find love in this materialistic country?
There's deep resentment about your life as you likely not making the right choices/decision to effectively spur changes... or should I say constructive improvements. There is this emotional anguish that is affecting your self worth, questioning and planting doubts of your ability and yourself.
My take is that you don't have to accept such a fate if you don't wish to. You just got to equip yourself with the correct mindset and courage to work towards a positive change.
For Love:
And think not you can, direct the course of love,
For love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course
For Career:
If you dislike an environment that focus on paper qualification, then seek for a company that at least appreciate talents/effort/hard work/etc.
IMHO, the easier of the two evil is definitely your career because you have a choice to change job anytime to avoid the curse of working in a company you detest. There's some degree of control in which you can manipulate, whereas in love, you are probably at the mercy of circumstances (Won't talk about AOS here though).
It's true that as people grow older, they might have more difficulty in seeking potential mates. Not exactly because of their age, but more likely due to their lifestyle. When you are younger, people are put into the school environment and it's easy to mingle around with people of your age and interest. But as we leave school, if your lifestyle doesn't allow you the opportunity to meet ladies, interact and know them, then your 'market share' is probably limited.
Next is about personality (and other factors). I don't know about you, but I do know people who are almost at brink of desperation in seeking mates, unknown to them, they actually emit that sort of desperation aura that turns people off. You mentioned about a first date, but was rejected a second/third one - doesn't it sound weird? Sure, you could give her the benefit of the doubt as she may be actually busy. But if it's a convenient excuse often heard when you requested for a second/third date, you know she's probably just being polite in rejection.
Chances are, that's because the comfort wasn't good enough with you at the conclusion of the first date and thus the reluctance and hesitation for the next one.
During the date, she has subconsciously evaluated you and you didn't pass. What has happened? It depends on how enlightened you are in reviewing your 'performance' for that particular date. Most guys in similar cases never understand why and thus they repeat history over and over again, citing poor luck in love, when in fact, it's actually about themselves.
Dating is not just about the person - it's a lot about yourself.
Dating is not just about the outing - it's about the strategy involved before, during and after the date.
And most importantly, dating is not about BGR relationship - it's about building bonds with people.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
'NBHD Flash Savage Drop' Day
Wah rao eh! Simi Sai~
I guess I would have to delay my magic training once again (although I have more or less master Jumping Gemini).
Met HQ at Surrender and was surprised to see Destiny too, wearing a black Supreme x Neighbourhood Tee (which I thought it was better in white). Yeah, they were both eager to check out Neighbourhood Flash Savage (narrow cut), which was probably released on that day as well and retailed at $800-/ each. After lunch at FEP, we heeded down to Club21 and HQ ended up purchasing N9 music series tee at about more than $200+ (can't remember the exact amount).
And thus this look (which we forced him to change and take picture).
Fast forwarded: Ended up in TCC after dinner for a chill session (before that we met Nick and Tan Chia at Heeren for ww's purchase of two horror 400% bearbrick). Three fringing` hours to spare before our movie begin - Stomp the Yard. Pretty decent show, although flow/plot of story is typical of a dance inspired movie. Still, it was good enough for me.
Time to tighten belt once again - squandered almost $50-/ today.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Kiks Tyo x Aki Hoshino (Air Jordan)
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Aunt Agony II 060307
just felt like letting it out.
i was there for her when she was feeling down.
i helped her up everytime she fell.
i gave her all my attention even when others had appointments with me.
i sent her home everyday even though i stayed far away and had less than 3 hours sleep.
i was there to help her financially if she needed it.
i was there to console her everytime she complained and cried that she did something wrong at work.
i always put up with her tantrums and never once told her i wanted to break up.
i always let her know where i was or with whom and wat i was doing.
i always bought her clothes or other accessories but she never wore to let me see :(
even when we did break up once and she wanted to patch back and cried, i was always there for her during the break up and eventually decided to patch back
i never once put up any photos with other gals in any website
but now.. suddenly some guy comes in between us playing the good guy and gives her advise.
now she says she is confused suddenly about our love but she denies being interested in him.
she now just wants to enjoy life with her frenz partying it out
she puts pics of herself n her male colleagues..some of them with arms on her in a website.
she removed our pics together and claims that its nothing.
she never stores my hp no in her hp but stores that of that bastard.
she calls up my female frenz and creates probs and now my female frenz and me dun really tok
i just feel so bored with this relationship. she has a huge character flaw and all her previous 15 relationships didnt work out. her only 2 longest one was 3 month n 6 months. mine lasted 5 yrs with her. i endured all her crapz and complains and everything. now suddenly she says we are not compatible? why then did she wanna patch up after we broke up?i really gave my all and tried my best but now i just feel i have failed. all other gals i know just tell me that i haf done so much for her and they wish that someone would do the same for them. i really dunno where i haf done wrong. i am tired of always suffering and just want to let all this go. but truth is i am afraid. i am afraid to be lonely. afraid that i will not find another person to love or look after. she does things wrong but blames me and i haf to apologise. she brings up the past and when i elaborate about it, it becomes i brought the past up. i feel she will never be happy in life because she always believes i will turn out like her adulterous uncle. she always like to think of negative things. i am so sianz now.. :(
thanks for reading.
Seriously, I would have think twice if I know that my object of affection has a history of fifteen exes because that has blatantly revealed how fleeting her emotions are and how spiritually afflicted her love relationship is.
According to my study, all we need is between two - four serious relationship and we should encounter most of the cosmic lesson represented to us. Anything more than that are usually reiterated lessons. Fifteen exes? That's probably akin to retaining PSLE for ten times.
Her negative nature truly reflects the glooming aspect of her love relationship - emitting and attracting negative influence and people.
It's true that after those 'ordeals' she might have evolved, but seriously, from what you have described, I see none of it.
Your fear and happiness isn't because you have lost her - but because you are afraid to be alone. Probably this is the quality that got connected on higher subconscious level - negativity beget negativity. You have forgotten what's is like to trend forward and fight for a better future, therefore you rather endure the nonsense thrown precariously at you, than to understand the essence of what's better for yourself to make you move on.
It really makes me wonder is that even love in the first place.
You will be surprised that people remained in unfulfilling relationship for all sorts of reasons. And when you question them about love, they are unable to find them. Like clicking on the search option to find a missing file; there are always zero returns, even though the computer appeared to be working.
Many people complained about not getting the returns even after selling their entire soul into the relationship. The ultimate question is WHY are YOU even thinking that hard work equate success in love? I have addressed this before in previous topics - if hard work equal automatic success in relationship, then the most hardworking person would have all the love in the world.
Logically, it doesn't work that way and it will never be.
Therefore you always pick calculated battles that will advance you to the next level in love. You address the root of problem and not do things that merely appease short term. The rotten core will eventually spread its poison to the heart of your relationship and kills it. Merely polishing the exterior doesn't do anything to save it.
Aunt Agony 060307
Hey, I just decided to post my problem here but mine isn't as serious as the rest of them out there...
Some background info: I met this girl from my tuition place early last year. I didn't pay much notice to her but she eventually went to search for me over Friendster and I guess that was how it all began. Back then, I didn't think much of it and I treated her as a normal friend. I always offered to help her with her school work like maths & chem through mail, gave her an insight on tertiary education & sometimes advised her on life. It wasn't the love at first sight kind of situation but I gradually grew to like her. I found myself always looking forward to the weekends where I could PM her over Friendster and receive her messages. We even cheered each other on as she was having her O levels and I was having my A's. I guessed during that period of time, chatting with her was something like a release from reality for me and I really enjoyed it a lot.
During the Nov/Dec holidays, we tried to make plans to meet up but we always couldn't find a common day. We eventually went out for the first time in Jan this year. As I went out with her, I realised that the both of us are really alike in so many ways; we are both so blur and thrifty, etc. So I was thinking to myself that it really is a perfect match. We do chat online regularly even before we started "going out" together and I even told her once of my ideal relationship and even ask for her idea on hers as well. I dropped many hints to her while we are chatting online that i liked her but I guessed she didn't get it. How I know she didn't get the hint, you would find out if you carry on reading.
Ok, here comes the problem. On our 3rd outing, which was Valentine's Day, though I went out with her for a while because she had to prepare for a test, I was ready to confess to her. But I guessed I did it quite awkwardly. Because she needed a new bag, I bought her a Crumpler. And I also bought her those flower teddy bears kind. The final touch was a card, with a poem written by me, expressing my feelings for her. Yes, it wasn't sincere of me because I didn't confess to her face to face. But later that night, I SMSed her, asking her whether did she get my true message of the poem. She didn't reply me until the next day. During that short period, I sent her many long messages, telling her not to feel awkward and that she didn't need to accept me now if she is not ready and that we could still be good friends. And I also told her I was willing to wait for her.
When she replied me the very next day, she told me she was speechless the day before and didn't know what to say. She also told me that she isn't ready for a relationship. I respected her decision and decided to keep our status as good friends. She also told me she can't accept the bag as it was too expensive but I told her to use it first because I won't be using it anytime soon (especially when I'm going into NS soon). But 2 weeks before, which was immediately after V day & CNY, when I messaged her good night (I used to do that every night), she stopped replying me. So I decided to maybe take a break last week, which was to not message her at all. Only recently did she start messaging me again, the very first message after that long break was to wish me all the best for my A level results the very next day.
The 1st problem is, do you think she is trying to distance herself from me after I confessed to her? Maybe if she is not ready, I shouldn't rush into things? She is starting her JC life right now so I told her that we shouldn't start now. I told her that I was willing to wait 2 years, after her A levels is all over. But I don't know how to set ourselves as just friends but yet be there for her since it feels as though she doesn't want me close to her. And whenever I ask her out, she always seem to be very busy... So guys, how do maintain that balance of just being friends, and at the same time being more than just a friend? And would she feel uncomfortable with it when I try to get closer to her?
2nd problem: she scored 9 points for her O levels and is on her way to 1 of the top 5 JCs while me, I didn't exactly do well for my A levels. Do you think that maybe she doesn't view me as suitable for her because of my results? She once told me that she wouldn't want to be with someone who is of a lower education status than her. Or am I just feeling too inferior?
And just to let you guys know, other than her being 2 years younger than me, she is a very quiet and soft-spoken girl. She is the kind who needs time to warm up to a person and when she knows that person very well, she can get quite wacky and nudge or whack them jokingly. :) She is also very thrifty, a value that is most commonly associated with my character. And though she calls herself lazy, she is very hardworking when it comes to work. And yes, she has never had a boyfriend before. For me, it is my 2nd time...
So in conclusion, what should I do with her? I don't intend to let her go and at the same time, not be too possessive of her. Most of my questions are up there so do refer to them. All advice & suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I must say the feelings developed because the emotional mind is open and unrestrictive. You are a forward looking guy and that makes you search easier. It's relatively easy to uncover that sort of feelings under the right circumstances, but eventually, the mutual decision of a relationship must apply on both side of the coin.
There must be something desirable or at least comfortable about you that she wouldn't mind going on a date with. Taking initiative to add you on friendster may not suggest anything much, but certainly to accept a private date from someone requires a minimal level of comfort before that could ever happen.
But your developed feelings don't necessarily means it is the same for her. For all you know, she probably only interested in making friends with you. Something is pulling her back, hindering the process of her getting attached to you. And this obstruction is the reason for your rejection.
Perhaps she is still pretty struck in that 'schooling mindset' and the tangible criteria that resolves around her mate and herself is education. Afterall, at the age of 16 with clean record with regards to BGR, she probably has nothing else to worry other than academic results.
Putting it in this way, you can try to revert back to the sort of 'friendship' you previously had with her and stick with that model first. National Service is one huge hurdle in life that is generally malicious to relationship if one cannot seem to benefit from it. In that sense, are you willing to risk it with her?
I guess it's the element of time once again, making fool out of people. Let me double guarantee you that two years is a long period of time and do not assume that things will remain the way they are now. In fact, she might get attached during her JC days, you will never know.
And that's because time change people change.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Aunt Agony 040307
hey, what u guys/gals did in order to forget a past relationship?
i've ended my last relationship for a yr+ already.
But dont seems able to let go.. in the sense that...... i cant seems to open myself up to make new frens etc.. not ready to give space to others to start a new relationship at all.. keep comparing any potentials that comes along with my ex... si lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
The ironic things is that the more you try to coerce yourself to forget, the notion of 'forcing' will inevitable cause you to remember more intensely.
People are unable to release themselves off their past is because they largely prefer to dwell what's in the past than to face what's in the future. It's always a choice for the majority to choose the familiar than to opt for an uncharted territory. (Esp. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius)
Rather the evil you know than the evil you don't.
And the root of departure is often not understood spiritually. Many often view failure in relationship as reason to degenerate and not reason to evolve. Some refused their cosmic lesson, while others reiterate their future relationship around previous flaws, forming this classic karmic chain that affects relationship after relationship... over and over again. Only a handful is emotionally wise enough to evolve positively, regardless of whether the motivation to evolve is of malign/benign source.
How long does it need for you to understand the theory of moving on? It depends on how fast you understood the concept of moving on. Because moving on is not simply just logical words said by somebody and you are then 'enlightened' to move on.
You must source for the reason within and sell it to yourself. If you do not believe in why you must move on, you will never move an inch.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
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