Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My Auntie

Time seemed to be walking slower.

Even my ORD days seemed like mirage in a desert.

I am beginning to dread this whole piece of screwed up organization that runs on tight bureaucracy, devoid of thinking leaders that cares more about covering their asses than their actual job.

If it wasn't because of the other good people, I think I would rather abdicate my position as the king-of-damaged-ISAC-card and be a lesser commoner, if that was possible in the first place.

140 MORE working days! It feels longer as days gets shorter.

Fcuking oxymoron.

All those sublime propaganda that my BMT had instill in me vanished like snow in spring. SAF speaks about 3G (3rd generation) soldiers? My boss don't even know how to operate a handphone and we want to talk about 3G? I think we better settle 1G first bah. And of course, it wouldn't take much effort to conclude that she don't even have one to begin learning with. Yes, I am talking about a DXO, who had served 35 years, and earns comfortable couple of thousands without a mobile.

Me as a scum-clerk already going to burst a gargantuan hole in my Renoma wallet from the monthly vicious phone bills and this 'auntie', being my woman boss, can actually survived all these years without a mobile.

I remembered an old theory in business, where we talk about the category of people who purchase new products... ranging from 'Innovator' (people who readily accept new products/technology) to 'Laggards' (the resistors) . I think 'my auntie' falls under the category of 'com hang'.

BTW, this is not a rant; it's a vociferous protest from my soul. Presently, I still don't believe that the people whom I called bosses, are so fcuking dumb. I was like constantly taught, indirectly, not to think and learn to cover more asses.

More asses... more luck! (VISA advertisement)

I missed the days when I get to mix around with more intelligent people. I am serious. I mean I am full of shit and perpetually acted dumb, but I don't behave like a adamant piece of block-brick-tard fool.

Do you go tell B to convey a message to C when in fact you could tell C yourself? Ok fine, sometimes we actually do such things. How about telling B to tell C so that C can tell D? That's fcuking brainless. Period.

I am like the little girl.

Aiya if you like, then I raise my hands lor...



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