Monday, January 30, 2006

Aunt Agony 300106

Originally posted by dumbdumb!:
I've been seeing this girl recently. We both sort of liked each other, and have been going out regularly. Although we're not official a couple, due to various reasons. She's afraid of commiting to me, while I don't mind waiting.

she can be really sweet and kind and gentle. she's really talkative although sometimes she can be self centered a little.

the main problem is that, due to different lifestyle, alot of friction between us.

she always finds fault when i can't accompany her chat till wee hours in the morning. I'm serving NS. Also, phone bill have been very ex. $500 was my last bill.

also, while we have been intimate, she was upset when i didn't want to go all the way with her.

due to this, she told me a friend of hers wanted to screw her, and she agreed to let him.

of course i'd be upset about this.

although we're not official, but this is kinda a first relationship for me. letting go is really hard. but what should i do?

This is girl is not a typical girl you find on others. In fact, she has developed a certain attitude and belief towards Love and Relationship which you have to understand that FIRST before you could put any logics into your plight.

If she has strings of ex before you, chances are, you are also part of this statistic. Regardless, she is probably a Siren (AOS), so if you are inexperienced in handling such characters... I don't advocate you trying her out, especially if you are looking for serious relationship without complication.

She has shown some blatant aversion to commitment. It doesn't matter what actually happened; what matters is the ideology she is equipped now. When we talked about the inability to commit but has the ability to be intimate... this actually revealed an insidious truth about her current self - you probably hold no chance and even if you did, you merely fulfill a certain need that is visibly lacking in her emotional structure.

She is a Predator; a woman indulged in mercy sex. The roles are exchanged and you felt the pressure of her being on the dominating side. It stultified your masculine position and you wonder how should you react when she come aggressive.

IMHO, you are spell-bounded by her well crafted seduction spell. I don't know you personally... I also cannot say that you are in love for sure and I believe that you won't know the answer as well. Your coming tracks are perilous; you are not trained to handle them. You can ignore me and press on, but I am quite sure you won't survive this game ultimately.



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