Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Aunt Agony 040106

Originally posted by rainee:
How can you tell? If he/she is the One?

In books and movies, it is often portrayed as the instinct telling the main character that this is the person he/she will be with for the rest of their lives. Does it work the same way in reality

Human being never think rationally, despite how rational he/she tells you.

In fact, ALL our decision is emotional based.

We make decision based on our feelings and justify using our logics.

Therefore, our heart is 24 times stronger than our mind.

The One is a myth.

It depends on which perspective you are holding.

People talks about God... but until we breathe our last, we will not get to see God personally, or the truth on whether God existed in the first place.

So what matters here?

To lead a fulfilling life and make the best out of it while you are still alive, isn't it?

Similarly, 'The One' and God may be important, but in reality, we just have to focus our attention on our present, as our future is indirectly shaped by our present.

Do not devalue a relationship just because it is missing out a soul mate feeling or to linger in a 'bad' relationship just because you felt the soul mate feeling. You will NEVER know if it is a soul mate feeling or a karmic relationship (unless through some means... e.g. Astrology).

The truth is: karmic relationship produce the same vibes as soul mate feeling.



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