Sunday, April 23, 2006

Aunt Agony 230406

Originally posted by ILPSY:
I do agree that the first impression counts when you meet for the first time.

When you look sloppy, unpresentable or ugly, most likely, you won't get the second look, let alone generate others' interest in you to start a relationship.

However, if you do have a pretty face, it does not guarentee that you will have tons of boyfriends too... Actually, a pretty face becomes an obstacle! Some pretty gals end up with no boyfriend at all even if their character is nice.

Why so? This is so perplexing...

I know of pretty looking people, ironically, feeling inferior.

And also those who thought that they looked great, but I beg to differ.

In the end, it's how powerful you want to believe in your own self perception. I know most will claim to detest those people in the second category above, but seriously, your words meant nothing to them. They have a strong self perception that other's thoughts cannot influence them to think otherwise.


The dynamic structure of Love is much more than just physical appearance - Love spells that clearly. Love is truly an isolated aspect in our life, which is also heavily integrated with other aspects of our life to achieve an harmonious equilibrium.

Physical appearance is merely a tool exploited by humans (especially woman) to achieve the certain advantage over the game of Love. But truly, it's only one aspect of the game.



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