Sunday, November 18, 2007

Aunt Agony 181107

Originally posted by jingjing_1988:

it is possible for 2 different types of character of ppl to be couples for long? :|

Originally posted by SoulDivine:

Definitely possible. One good example is Gemini and Virgo, they are have different characteristic, one Air the other Earth, one Yang the other Yin, but they are still rather compatible because they both can challenge and learn from each other.

However, if you talking about Gemini and Scorpio... life will be a power struggle:x, since Scorpio wants to control Gemini more to achieve high level of security but Gemini wants to be free like the wind, major character conflict in this case.

Without details of our natal charts; it's impossible to determine compatibility of a couple, based on mere Sun Sign.

The significactor of a chart or certain dignified planets could have more impact than our Sun Sign per se because critically and logically, we have more than just 12 types of human being.

P.S: Relationship doesn't always rule on the emotional plane of existence; every relationship is affected by the four elemental factors, appears in three planes of existence (Prime, Emotional and Spiritual), segmented by two variation of bonds (karmic & benefic) conjured by one dimension of our cosmic lesson. There's a tight relationship between the pyramid theory of CloUdiSm and our innate love wisdom cap in every individual because essentially, not everyone needs higher learning in love to love.

As an advice to all: if anyone of you is interested in New Age, I would encourage you to study beyond that of Sun Sign. And also to dismiss 'astrological column' written in magazine, newspaper and some internet sites because that's truly crap. It is there for commercial entertainment, bears no responsibility over what they have written and damaged the reputation of REAL astrology.



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