Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Emotional Vampire

I happened to know of a recent case that took place to my good buddy and was quite horrified, though not surprised, by how sadistic, self absorbed and twisted ONE could be when love is in the picture. I seen this a couple of times; as the heart and mind had insidious theories, which was displayed through a series of vindictive behaviour and extremism.

It was incredible.... incredibly sick in the heart.

CloUdiSm record Emotional Vampires (EV).

You are probably an EV if:

I) You react physically when quarrel happens. You grab, you assault, or anything that is physical, REGARDLESS of how 'gentle' that could be to you.

II) You display signs of possessiveness/MCP.

III) You always speak with emotional tone and tried drowning your other partner. Your emotions are extremely one-sided, especially when your love wants to leave the relationship. You will emotionally locked her down (Love cannot be forced upon another is something alien to you) and react in extreme emotions.

IV) You attempt to stalk, make massive phone calls that is being ignored and all the sort of thingy to get the attention of your fleeting Love. In short, you haunt your love ubiquitously.

V) You make threats of some sort, REGARDLESS of whether you will fulfill those threats.

VI) Your temper runs wild easily OR this intensity is suppressed within your emotions. Very intense person.

VII) You keep harbouring thoughts that you have some 'ways' to get him/her back to you and may/may not exploit them. Please note that these 'ways' may not succeed and usually lengthen the misery to the people involved.

VIII) You practice HEAVY selective perception and is terribly self absorbed.

IX) You have severe affliction in love, astrologically.

I was quite taken aback when the victim herself was asked if she could leave this sick-in-the-heart man (SITH) through her own means, since it was CLEAR that love was gone and the relationship had gone meaningless... she said she wouldn't succeed and would probably remain with him. Afterall, he may change one day. (The current situation is that someone was introduced into the picture and the victim had left SITH... something quite heartening to hear).


What do you mean by 'wouldn't succeed'?

Why wouldn't anyone succeed in breaking up a person successfully? (Heavy progression/Transit regarding Saturn/Pluto influence affliction, Tarot Card - Devil showed sign of bondage).

I guess her Sun sign and got it right - Taurus... the most FIXED sign among the zodiac.

And the extremist SITH?... Scorpio...



Understand the essence of TRUE BEAUTY in Love.

In which FREEDOM and LIBERATION is a mark of higher wisdom.

To LOSE a relationship is nothing than to LOSE yourself.

When you have deviated in name of Love... this is NOT Love, but karmic transformation, test and challenge.



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