Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Coincidentally, I met Chin WW and Angel at the bus stop yesterday; it has been ages since I last saw them, especially Angel.

Albeit we don't see each other very much these days, but the reminiscing was still as magical - there are some aspects in life that time don't change very much. Ironically, in midst of this distracting world - as we grow older, we gradually become so well-absorbed into our daily tasks, so much so that to have quality conversation with someone becomes a rare treat.

It always feel this good whenever I spend good quality times with friends - astrology might have attribute that to my Mars & Uranus in 11th house.

It felt the same like today's Daimokugai at Mel's house - half the crew is there for spiritual support - great to see this kind of unity.

Though I am apt to sprout rubbish, but I still love you people very much. So just ignore my rubbish and remember the love. =D



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