Monday, August 25, 2008

Aunt Agony 250808

Originally posted by bearie000:

hi all,

I just know a guy. But i scared that he is just leading me on. He is incredibly nice to me, dates me out, maintains eye contact when is chatting with me and confide and divulge many secrets to me. He teases me at times also.

But he has never made the move on me yet.However, he sent me sms like everyday and will ask me stuff like how am i doing etc. I do not know if he takes me as a friend or has some romantic interest in me.

The most perculiar thing is that he asked me for my opinions when he is shopping for apparel and stuff. He put on the shirt and asked me how does he looks in it etc... I wonder why does he do that? He also tell me about his work problems.. However, he rarely asks about my private life. He will just reveal everything about himself to me without me having to ask him about it.

I admit I am developing feelings for him as he is a very nice,sweet and gentlemanly guy.What should i do now? Does he really have some kind of romantic interest in me or just take me as a friend? In the past, i had experiences when a guy would date me out as a friend, sent me the wrong signals and then break the news that he only sees me as a friend when i confessed to me.

It would be very disappointing and double blow to me if he likes some gals and only dates me out as a friend. I have been in the friend zone in the past.

Please help. I dont wanna be hurt again

One cannot attempt to Love without risking to be hurt again. Like two side of a coin, it is just part of the deal as you accept Love into your life. When you open the floodgate, you take in all things, both good and bad.

If you are weary about his intention, avoid taking haste and making irrational decision.
You might have like him, but it doesn't mean that he is suitable for you.

Hence, your next course of action would be to figure out if he is the right fit - at least a comfortable fit.

Halt that emotions for just a moment first - enjoy the companionship naturally, without placing yourself into some self-constructed commitment. Since you both are still within the 'friendship' zone, then behave and think likewise (albeit you probably will not be able to feel along this direction, but that's ok).



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