Thursday, December 27, 2007

Aunt Agony 271207

Originally posted by LordIcarus:
Is it important? What if one day, your gf comes up to you and told you she's no longer one. How would you react.
I told her i love her & i don't mind. Am i doing the right thing?

The concept of virginity doesn't even exist in the spiritual aspect of love because it only bothers people who lead and perceive their relationship in the lowest of all planes (CloUdiSm three realms of relationship).

I find it simultaneously amusing and somewhat hypocritical for one to proclaim love for another, yet having to be so bothered by this virginity issue. It is logically impossible for relationship to devalue, if your relationship is initiated by Love and not via other elements. If the concept of virginity could diminish your perception of 'Love' for your other half, seriously, it's not even Love to begin with in the first place; therefore one would surely be bothered with the analogy of being 'used' verse 'new'.

True Love is a constant that doesn't get affected by its environment or any 'moment of truth'. This universal acceptance has absolutely nothing to do with being magnanimous; rather, it's a simple understanding in the mechanics of Love - of having unconditional acceptance.

If you are even casting doubts on your relationship over such mundane issue, I questioned the quality and definition of Love you are seeking.

Here's some food for thought: does it necessarily mean that a virgin girlfriend:

I) Makes a better gf?

II) Would enable you to have a more fulfilling relationship?

III) Would enable your relationship to last longer?

Without you answering: it's none of the above.

I see some illustrations with regard to why the concept of a virgin girlfriend is 'better' - well, I would agree with them if you perceive your Significant Other as nothing more just than meat/possession/goods. Such unanimated objects are valued by the usefulness of their existence; therefore, having it 'new' will surely lengthen its usefulness.

Does it mean the same for your Love?

Do you demeaning the classification of personality, character and soul of a woman to that of such unanimated objects?

Ironically speaking, how 'useful' is virginity?

Can it stop her from walking away (if she bends on leaving)?

Can it prevent your relationship from wilting?

Can it grant her to Love you again if she has lost that fiery emotion towards you forever?


Eventually, it only mollifies one aspect - the Self. The exhilaration of unwrapping your Christmas gift and learn that your toy is new probably gave your inner ego a satisfactory boost to sneer around that your toy is brand new, while the other kids could only be contented with 'second hand'.

Although you are no wrong in desiring a virgin mate when you are likewise yourself, our expectation and our cosmic lessons hardly blend in perfectly. In fact, it often clashes violently, giving rise to conflicts of the mind and heart.

So what must you trust in face of these uncertainty?

Love, of course - Unless you never had it right from the start.

You can't believe in something you don't have.



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