Saturday, March 15, 2008

Benign Struggles

How wonderful if we were to live through life without struggles, without having the need to maintain our sanity and revel in the gaiety of life.

If you were to stop and think again, the above mentioned statement might not appear as blissful as it sounds.

It's amazing how people have grown to be extremely adverse to 'useful' challenges. Sometimes, it's the fear of trouble that coerced them to avoid, but more often than not, it's always the inability to understand the concept of 'Benign Struggles' that causes people to flee faster than you can recite 'peng you sio dan ji eh...'

Life without struggle is fucking boring: you live an insipid life, you die an insipid life.

Love without struggle is stagnant: you will eventually lead a meaningless relationship.

Sometimes, the course to happiness first begins from unhappiness. From disequilibrium to equilibrium, as we will eventually make critical adjustment to mollify ourselves.

Mood swings because Moon sign changes rapidly - from new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, wanning gibbous, third quarter, wanning crescent (balsamic). Surely there are days where we are not feeling the positivity we ought to enjoy feeling.

Does that mean that all hell break loose when our mood vacillate to the other extreme end?


In fact, what doesn't kills you makes you stronger.

And you got to learn to allow that experience to build you to become a better person.

If you reject the lesson, the experience might rob you of a holistic perception of what life or love could means to you.

Learn to be understanding - for the essence of it will bridge all differences.



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