Thursday, June 08, 2006

Time Quadrant (CloUdiSm)

I dropped a surprise visit on Granny.

I could see a sense of happiness exuding from her body language; this unexplained jubliant vibes coming out from her soul.

The notion that her grandson had visited her BECAUSE he wanted to see her. Period.

Granny wanted to cook/buy me dinner, but I politely rejected because I told her I just dropped by to VISIT her. Period.

There wasn't any hidden agenda; I just wanted to make my presence known to her that I care.

Met Yvonne later; was ages since we had a good chat over good food and some power shopping.

Just wanted to meet up because it has been quite a while. Period.

Although I equally wanted to hit my Baldur's Gate II at my computer, but nothing beats spending short quality time with people we appreciate.

I realise our time is segmented into four distinctive quadrants:

I) Self (S)

II) Partner (P)

III) Relative - inclusive of Family (R)

IV) Friends - (F)

Is it possible to appease everyone with 24 hours, 7 days a week?

And as our social circle expands, more people are topped unto the existing group of people within the quadrant.

But our time remains 24 hours, 7 days a week.

So either one of the Quadrant will have to suffer and sacrifice isn't it?

Which one would it be?

What's your take?



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