Saturday, December 10, 2011


Generally, we all cheat occasionally in life. By this definition of cheat, I am referring loosely to dishonesty and 'not doing what we are suppose to be doing'. It does not always exist in relationship, but manifest in other ways like peeping at friend's answer during exam, not returning 50 cent back, keeping the extra pack of MacDonald french fries given to us by mistake or even cutting queue. Though we may not technically be malicious or intentional (which would mean that we cannot constitute that strictly as 'cheating)', but you get my drift. There are times when we do the 'right' things and times we don't.

Sometimes, we don't burden our mind with such unnecessary minuscule concerns

I would find it hard for a completely honest person to exist, not because I don't believe in the concept of honesty (in fact, I do believe with fair amount of faith that honesty is sometimes the best policy), but the flesh is weak and we are generally mortals. Research has shown and proven that nobody is absolutely honest or dishonest - everyone lies in between.

However, my question is that: if your partner lied to you and was caught red-handed - what are the categorical measures that you have subconsciously internalized to decide which lies are forgivable verses the ones that are considered unatoning sins?

Or are you the one that let your emotions (sometimes illogical) sense cast the verdict, subjected highly to varied circumstances and possibly more lies?

P.S: I remember my old astrology days of detecting lies via Mercury affliction with Neptune. Hah, I should beef up my statistic skills and decide if this was empirically (and significantly) true. :)

What do you think?


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