Saturday, September 06, 2008


Distinction for TMA01 for sociology.

In midst of all the madness I am going through, this is an incredible achievement.

Keep up the pace Yun!

5 more to go to end this year with honor! No dying in shame!

Hi Mark, you were very concise in your analysis and the overall essay was well-organised. You used references from other studies to critique the methods in this study, which is excellent. Another strong point was the correct and proper use of citations, this is a good start to essay writing and your explanations demonstrated a strong understanding of the various sociological perspectives. Just be more careful in your wording (“feminist” and not “feminine”) You also made very good observations about the limitations and advantages of the methods used, and suggested improvements. I liked the analytical thought you put in your critique of the assumptions made by the author, but you could have taken this further by being more specific in your critiques (see my comments in text). An excellent effort.


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