Friday, May 28, 2010

A Nation of Spoilt Princesses?

Interesting on how Sulthan Niaz retorted AWARE's article by stating that women must contribute part of the blame on the low birth rate situation in Singapore.

Are Singaporean woman spoilt? Well, our males also demand for submissive woman too. So gender bashing will never come to an end because it's just matter of perspective.

Seriously anyway, I doubt gender has much to do with the situation here. The key concerns are 'expectations'. Why is our society bashing people for making their personal choices of not 'getting married' or not 'rearing children'?

Societal expectation or individual expectation? Which is prior?

This is a natural phenomenon in any developed country. Other places are facing the same situation too, hence this is nothing uniquely Singapore.

Hey man: you have a choice NOT to date spoilt princesses too. If yours happen to be one, then you got to admit that it's seriously your choice to keep them.

To read the full article, please go to:


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