Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Aunt Agony 161209

Originally posted by Chunhow:

All of us would like to meet our very own 100% perfect girl/boy someday. That someone special just to ourselves, with the X factor others cannot appreciate.

Recently I met my 95% perfect girl. I enjoy talking to and hanging out with her. but I think the missing 5% is the same reason which I broke up with my ex-gf for. kinda torn...

what about you people? ever liked/fallen in love helplessly with someone you suspect is not totally compatible with you?

Logically, it's fundamentally flawed.

If you have met someone who is 95% perfect - yet you choose to give her up because of the minority aspects of 5%, it means that:

i) The 5% component actually holds a lot more weight than 5% (it's probably 51%).


ii) Your percentage is based purely on one or a couple of dimensions - in which these may be 95% perfect, but across ALL dimension, it still fails (average of all dimensions is less than 50%).


iii) Your passing grade is 96% - so 95% is still a failed grade.


I find it amusing when people make claims like these - for example: this particular person is 95 - 99% of what he/she looks for, but because of that few percentage of 'flaws', it renders them 'flawed' and 'impossible' to be with.

Nobody is 100% perfect - the only 100% perfect person exist only in our imagination.

So it's totally a flawed concept if we demand a 100% perfect mate, when the truth is that we are not even 100% perfect ourselves.




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