Thursday, January 03, 2013

Runaway brides in Singapore

An interesting insight interview with regards to runaway brides in Singapore. You can access part one of the article here and part two here 

The situation in Singapore is such that rational couple tends to secure a flat first before proposing; almost like putting the cart before the horse as couples would have to wait for two and a half years to four years for a flat. Imagine getting married and having no place of your own to stay unless you contemplate on renting in open market. Hence, most couple ended up staying with their in-laws until their house is ready for them to move in.

Nothing wrong with that actually (other than possible horror in-laws stories); just that it is kind of hard to 'rationalize' an emotional decision because not everyone holds the philosophy of pragmatism. Kiasu (afraid-of-losing-out) Singaporeans are deeply influenced and amazingly shaped by our rigid educational system of desiring a perfect pathway in life. Somehow, people have this great fear of 'wasting' time- taking some reasonable amount of time to stop and reflect is wastage, hence the option is always to move forward.

So when the hit happens, the crash is often painful beyond description, rippling across all ecological systems in the couple's life.

Sometimes, there are no solutions in relationship; it's all about managing. To cling on solutions when there is none is basically asking for ambrosia for breakfast - disappointment and disillusion will follow next.


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