Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Time matters?

And tonight, Yunhaier shall discuss about a new topic: does the length of time matters in love?

Yes and no - but unfortunately, it is apt towards a secondary consideration given the fact that philosophically speaking, I would see Love closer to the realm of Empiricism than Rationalism, although it is still possible for the latter to be stronger for certain people.

Before I get the 'Dafug-ya-talking about' expression in front of your monitor, I shall explain in simpler terms.

If you are an Empiricist, love is more likely to be subjected/influence by experience than an absolute thinking process. It obviously grinds you more in the realm of emotions, which is subjectively based on the kind of experience you get when you spend time with somebody that is emotionally important to you. Surely, no relationship has ever foster without having some initial positive experience with one another - how the relationship is going to develop matters less in how the arising experience feels deep inside for you. For this, time is more likely to matter less.

If you are a Rationalist, then love is more likely to be objective (or rather, you try to find some universal law and apply them in your relationship). You are more likely to hold stronger views towards relationship in terms of values, perspectives and beliefs, while downplaying the experiential part of the relationship. There are more calculation, less risk and therefore, time is going to matter more because you don't want to waste time if you could possibly make do with this (relationship). 

Most people fall in between and oscillate between the two extreme. Sometimes, it depends on which 'mind' you are using. The emotional mind, which is a sucker for empiricism, or our logical mind, which feeds on rationalism.



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