Since four years back, I have never stopped studying; by right, I should be celebrating my new found freedom in the exciting year of 2012, but I realized that I am so accustomed to such intense pace and mode of learning that I actually find it degenerating if I dropped that entirely. Yet the prospect of chasing paper, exams and assignments is not something sexy to me. It fact, it turns me off.
I figured that I hate studying - I only like learning.
Furthermore, the only discipline I would really love to study is Philosophy, but it has prerequisite of a full time commitment and such price tag is just not possible practically.
I reflected and figured that I could actually secure a middle way through this: I could chart my own personal education through self discipline and personalization, by deciding (1) what I want to learn, (2) narrow it, (3) force implement period of time to read and learn (4) and most importantly: (5) persist. The greatest challenge for such 'self education' is really: how the phuck are you going understand the technicality of certain 'chim' theory if you don't understand and there is nobody to ask?
Then I must depend on my own social capital, network and the vast internet to seek the answers I need. Honestly, I don't really think it is the answer that is crucial, but the process of me finding that answer is the training I want to put myself into, since I do not have exams and assignments to 'evaluate' my own education, then my self-seeking spirit and drive to grasp knowledge in this manner would be a hundred times more effective.
After all, I self taught astrology - I could use the same method on how I achieve that to achieve this - albeit it's on a much larger scale.
I will work out details and present it to myself by Dec 2011. :)

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