Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Aunt Agony 290610

Originally posted by Prophecy_Master

Hi all.

I am in my mid twenties.

My current girl friend has been with my for 6 years now we plan to get married in time to come, say 5 years later after we complete our studies.

The thing is, once I saw someone who looked like my first love, Melissa. For that moment lots of thoughts and memories just came back regarding her. I was quite shaken, because having been in a long term relationship for so long that I stopped thinking about other girls and I see all the females around me as just plain friends.

But just the thought of my first love, I get all the fuzzy feeling and numbing sensation in my mind. I know I love my current g/f dearly, but I can’t help but think of how is my first love doing? Does she need help?

A part of me still wants to care for her, or at least know how she is doing. I lost contact with her for at least 9 years now, but I just can’t stop feeling that way about her.

There seemed to be some unresolved chapters in your life; it randomly spark this undying passion which nefariously raised itself from the love grave and comes back haunting you. As much as you feel that you are concerned about her well being, but think about this: she has survived nine years of her life without your presence, hence what you are feeling is purely delusional.

Let sleeping dragon lie; there is no damsel in distress to save.

It’s a real irony to see people lament about this particular person they couldn’t have, while having to possess everything they need in love currently. If you plan to execute plans like looking back at your past and taking active steps to revisit old chapters, you are at risk of sacrificing or damaging the state of your relationship.

No bank is too big to fail - no relationship is too strong to crumble.

Basically all it takes one unwise step.

Think about it.



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